Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fall 2017 Electric-E Award & Computer-E Recipients

K. Fitzgerald, D. Wells, R. Mollway, and L. Krehbiel  

Dr. John Harris, ECE Chair, K. Fitzgerald, D. Wells, R. Mollway, L. Krehbiel, and Dr. Herman Lam UG CPE Coordinator  

Monday, November 13, 2017

RE: Updates and reminders

Good Morning  EE Major and Happy Pre- Thanksgiving!!!!!

Nicole’s Hours for this week:
Monday and Tuesday: Appointment
Wednesday 10-12 and 1-4
Thursday: 2-4
Friday: 10-12 and 1-3
Upcoming Deadline dates:
LAST DAY TO DROP: NOVEMBER 20, 2017 by 5:00 pm
If you  have drops please follow the directions below:
If you are planning to drop a course for the Fall 2017 semester, please submit your request through Student Initiated Drop/ Add page (https://student.ufl.edu/dropadd.html).  When you submit your request on the page.   Please check your drop page to see if you have drops available to use.  If you do not have any drops then you will be required to petition the college. Please read the general information about dropping a course and Bright Futures and Dropped courses. Once you have submitted your request, please submit your verification email to ntyoung@ufl.edu (the information is below).  I will not drop your courses until I receive your verification email.

Please follow it with an email to me that says the following information:
Subject line:  Fall  2017 Drop Verification 
Section number(s):
The date that you submitted the request on SIDA:
Have you dropped a course in prior semester? Yes or No
Do you authorize me to drop your course: Yes or No

If you have used all your drops:
You will be required to submit a college petition via online to the college.  It requires the petition, student statement and advisor statement for review by the college.    The petition link is  on the following website, https://www.eng.ufl.edu/students/resources/undergraduate-student-handbook/petitions/ .  This process takes longer then normally dropping, you want to have this submitted by the end of the week.  The advisor letter must accompany your request.   Send your petition and statement to me as soon as possible so I have time to write a concise  and thoroughly letter.

Withdrawal from Fall 2017 Semester (Withdrawal means all courses you are currently  registered in the current semester):
To withdraw from the entire semester (ALL COURSES YOU ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED), students are able to withdraw on their own.  To officially withdrawal from the semester, please use this web page (http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/services/withdrawals.html).  Please read the entire page for details for medical withdrawal and general procedures about withdrawing.  If you are withdrawing please let me know, via email. If you need to meet with me to discuss the reason why you are withdrawing, please come in during my walk-in hours or email me if you are unable to come in during that time.


For Spring 2018 paperwork due date is 12/4/2017 for internship, coop, research (EGN4912) and special project (EEL4905).  The latest I am able to accept paperwork is January 11, 2018   by 5:00 pm Attached to this email are each that  you would need and directions are below.  Please submit the forms by dropping off the paperwork at the front desk in the SSO Office (230 Larsen Hall) or can submit the You are able to submit a scanned copy to me via email (nicolet@ece.ufl.edu). 

EEL4948-Internship (If want to earn credit for your internship.  If you do not want to receive credit do not do the paperwork)
-Complete Internship Request Form
-Attached Letter of Offer
-Submit the above the  packet to Nicole by the deadline date for registration. Exceptions will be made if you receive an offer after the deadline date. 

-Complete COOP form
-Submit COOP Packet to the CRC and Nicole's Office
-Submit the above the  packet to Nicole by the deadline date for registration. Exceptions will be made if you receive an offer after the deadline date. I must have the information by the end of drop/add of Fall semester (August 25th)

EGN4912- Research- https://www.ece.ufl.edu/sites/default/files/pictures/Gator%20Engineering%20UG%20Research%20Syllabus.pdf
-Submit the above the  packet to Nicole by the deadline date for registration.

- You must be working in ECE faculty member

-Submit the above the  packet to Nicole by the deadline date for registration. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

RE: MicroP Crash Course

EE Majors!!!

My name is Christian, and I'm Academic Chair for ACE. ACE and IEEE are going to be hosting a MicroP crash course next on Thursday, November 16th around 7pm in NEB (more exact details TBA). Here's the Facebook event page link: https://www.facebook.com/events/759405540926182/?ti=icl.

If you could advertize this in your next weekly email update, we would appreciate it! :)


Christian Marin

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

UVA Information Session at the University of Florida M.S. in Commerce

Dear EE Majors
Please join me for an information session on Wednesday, November 1 at the University of Florida to learn about UVA’s M.S. in Commerce, a one-year business degree for non-business majors recently ranked #2 master's in management in the world by The Economist. This master’s degree is designed specifically for liberal arts, science and engineering recent graduates and features tracks in Finance, Marketing & Management, and Business Analytics as well as a global trek.
UVA Information Session at the University of Florida
Wednesday, Nov. 1st at 6:15 pm
FLG 275
Hope to see you soon!
Molly Baker
Associate Director of Graduate Admissions
UVA McIntire School of Commerce
(434) 243-1179

Thursday, October 26, 2017

RE: EEL4713C will be offered in Spring 2018

Hi EE Majors,
EEL4713C will be offered.  You will be able to register for the course normally. You do not have to contact me for registration.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Hi EE Majors

My name is Justin Kim and I am one of the cofounders of Sling Health at the University of Florida. We are having our first general information meeting on October 24th, 2017 in Room C1-17 of communicore building at 5:15 pm and was wondering if you could please share this event details with students in your department.

What is Sling Health?
Sling Health is a national, student-run biotech incubator (recently partnered with the American Medical Association [AMA]) that focuses on bringing together different disciplines in medicine, engineering, and business to create and market new biomedical technology.

Sling Health focuses on identifying real-world problems that clinicians run into on an everyday basis. These clinical problems are brought to interdisciplinary teams (composed of business, engineering, medical, and undergraduate students) interested in researching, designing, and prototyping solutions. Student teams participate in year-long design projects with the end goal of producing successful, marketable products.

As a new chapter, we have many opportunities for our new members including board member positions and team leader positions.
Justin Kim

Justin Kim
University of Florida | College of Medicine
Class of 2020
dah920@ufl.edu | 813-468-8659


Monday, October 23, 2017

RE: Nicole's Hours and updates

Hi EE Majors

Nicole's Hours for the week of 10/23
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: Appointments Only
Wednesday: 1-4pm
Thursday: 9:30-12 and 1-3

If you are interested in taking EEL4540 for the spring semester(only Juniors and Seniors). You should have all core classes completed and a few Breadth courses in progress or completed.  This is upper level course.
Send an email to ntyoung@ufl.edu by October 30, 2017 for registration.  Please follow the format below:

Subject Line: EEL4540 Registration
In the Body of the email:
Class and College:
Date and Time you sent the email:


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

ECE Student Service Office will be closed on 10/19/2017

Dear EE Majors,
The ECE Student Services Office will closed on 10/19/2017.  I will be back in the office Friday.  I will answer all emails when the office open on Friday.


Monday, October 16, 2017

RE: Engineering Student Projects

Dear Students,

Please review the latest engineering projects from MindSumo. MindSumo partners with employers to create projects that you can complete to get work experience, win prizes, and be hired for jobs and internships. Questions can be directed to isha@mindsumo.com

IBM-Can you use IBM Watson to build the ultimate chatbot? - $1,600 in prizes

How would you make home voice control more effective? - $1,600 in prizes

Amazon Alexa-Build the Ultimate Game for Amazon Alexa - $1,600 in prizes

Munich RE-How can we use publicly available data sets to improve road safety? - $1,600 in prizes

Direct Links:

Thank you!

Isha Punjabi | University Relations | MindSumo Inc. | www.mindsumo.com
Image removed by sender.

Updates and hours for the week of 10/16/17

Good Morning EE Majors,

Nicole's Hours for this week
Monday,Tuesday, Friday- Are appointments ONLY

Walk-in Hours
Wednesday 10-12 and 1-4
Thursday No Hours

Remember to visit www.ece.ufl.edu/advisors to schedule your appointment! My next open slots are on October 31th so be sure to act fast!

Note on Thursday’s, I will not have hours or be in the office. In light of Richard Spencer’s event taking place that afternoon, advising hours for EE majors are  cancelled. While the university may not be closed that day, I encourage each of you to review the information at freespeech.ufl.edu to stay on top of the most up-to-date details regarding the afternoon. Should you be worried about classes that day, the current statement from the university is as follows: “We understand that this event and possible protest provokes fear, especially for members of our Gator family who are targets of messages of hate and violence simply because of their skin color, religion, culture, sexual orientation or beliefs. Faculty have been asked to be understanding with students on a case-by-case basis.”

As a safe space on campus, the advisors of the Student Services Office have an open door policy for any student that wishes to stop by. Should you have questions, concerns, or need a place to decompress at any time, please feel free to reach out to us.


Friday, October 13, 2017

RE: TODAY IS 15/7 Drop Deadline 10/13 by 5:00 pm

Hi EE Majors

Today is the deadline for 15/7 Drop Rule by 5:00 pm.  If you are currently enrolled in 15 or credits or more. You are able to drop a course.  You are still fee liable and you  will have W on your transcript.  Please come in to drop your course .


Monday, October 9, 2017

Nicole's hours and Updates-correction

Good Morning EE Majors;

Nicole's Hours for this week 
Monday,Tuesday, Friday- Are appointments ONLY
Wednesday 10-12 and 3-4
Thursday 10-12 and 1-4

Fall Semester Deadline Dates:
15/7 Rule: 10/13/17
Last Day drop: November 20, 2017

Advance Registration begins October 30, 2017 for Spring 2018 registration.  Please check your one.uf account for your registration date and time.  It will be assigned closer to the beginning of advance registration start time.  The engineering holds will be placed on your record on Friday, September 22, 2017 (per HWCOE Dean’s Office).  The schedule of course will go live on October 6, 2017.  I will begin to clear holds on October 2, 2017.  Please have Advance Registration Worksheet completed before walk-ins and appointments.
Please see the timeline below. 
For the week of October 2-5th, 2017; the walk-in advising hours:
Monday 9:30-12 pm
Tuesday through Friday 10-12 and 1-4
EE major advance registration advising schedule for October 9th to November 30th 2017; will be as follows (barring scheduled meetings and appointments):
**Wednesday and Thursday will be walk-in advising hours: 9:30-12 and 1-3:30**
**Appointments days are Monday, Tuesday and Friday.  You are able to schedule an appointment through this link: https://www.ece.ufl.edu/advisors/. The system will provide a confirmation of your scheduled appointment.  If you are running late or sick email me to reschedule your appointment.

Updates for EEE/EEL courses for the spring 2018
1)      Dr. Allen Turner will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester.
    a.      EEL3008- Physics of EE
    b.      EEE3308C- E-Circuits 1
    c.       EEL3923C- Design 1 

2)      Dr. David Arnold will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester
       a.      EEE6465- Design MEMS TransDCR

3)      Dr. Vladimir Rakov will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester
       a.      EEL3472C- Electromagnetic Fields 1
      b.      EEL4473 Electromagnetic Fields 2

4)      Dr. Mark Sheplak will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester
      a.      EEE4720 Acoustics

5)      Dr.  Zanjani Asadi will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester
       a.      EEL3112- Circuits 2

6)      Dr. David Stitt will be teaching the following courses in the spring semester
     a.      EEL4712C-Digital Designs

7)      EEE4310- The correct pre-requisites for the course is EEL3701C & EEE3308C.  It is listed correctly in the catalog. 

EEE3396C is not required.  Faculty will be updating their transcripts to reflect what is in the catalog.

      8)      Lab Meet times 2-Blocks instead 3 Blocks

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

CyberCorps® NSF SFS-National Science Foundation’s Scholarship for Service Program

National Science Foundation’s Scholarship for Service Program- http://fics-institute.ece.ufl.edu/nsf-cybercorps-sfs/

The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida, has received a grant from the National Science Foundation for the CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program. The grant provides monetary support in the form of scholarships, covering full tuition and providing stipends, to domestic students pursuing degrees specializing in cybersecurity-related topics and information assurance. The program requires that students ‘pay-back’ the scholarship with service, that is a commitment to work for a Federal, State, Local or Tribal government organization in the United States for a period equal to the length of the scholarship. The goal of the CyberCorps® program is to recruit, educate, and train a diverse workforce of individuals interested in taking on the task of securing government agencies from cybersecurity and information technology system threats. Students from traditionally underrepresented populations, including women and minority populations, are strongly encouraged to apply. The University of Florida’s (UF) FICS Research Department will work closely with Florida International University (FIU), on the awarded joint grant towards developing an implementing the SURPASS: A Unique Scholarship Program in Hardware and Systems Security.  UF and FIU are uniquely qualified to offer this scholarship program in hardware and systems security (HSS) because of their curricular efforts, strong research programs, faculty strength, as well as unique lab facilities, which will help deliver an exemplary program in the nation. Both universities serve diverse student populations, have strong internationally-recognized hardware and systems security research programs, and extensive curricular offerings in cybersecurity. The UF team is led by FICS Research’s Education Director,  Prof. Swarup Bhunia, and includes fellow FICS Research faculty Diversity Director Prof. Daniela Oliveira, Co-Director  Mark Tehranipoor, and Prof. Kevin Butler. While, the FIU team is led by Prof. Selcuk Uluagac and includes Profs. Kemal Akkaya and Alexander Pons.


  • Fully-covered tuition
  • Stipends of up to $34,000 for graduate students and $22,500 for undergraduate students
  • Funds for health insurance, professional development and books
  • Summer internships, typically paid, with a government organization
  • Access to the CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service Job Fair, where scholarship recipients meet Federal or State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government employment recruiters

Eligibility Criteria:

Minimum Requirements 

  • Must be a U.S Citizen or Lawful Permanent U.S. Resident.  Not dual, not an alien from a country on the state-sponsored terrorism list from the state department.
  • Must meet criteria for Federal employment
  • Must be able to obtain security clearance, if required
  • Demonstration of legitimate interest in, and commitment to, pursuing an Information Assurance or cyber-security-related careers with a government entity after graduation
  • Scholarships are awarded on a merit-based basis


  • Be a full-time student
  • Maintain a specified grade point average
  • Attend the annual job fair/symposium until post graduation commitment is secured
  • Complete the degree/program requirements successfully**
  • Participate in a summer internship with a local/state/federal agency***
  • Work for a local/state/federal agency in qualifying positions, upon completing academic degree requirements. Length of service depends on length of scholarship support—one year of service for one year of support.***
** Although there will be flexibility in meeting individual student interests and goals, there will be a list of required courses a student must take. Contact the program director to discuss your individual requirements.
*** List of Federal Agencies and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers

Application Process

  • Complete online application.
  • Letter of Reference (2)
  • Resume and/or Curriculum Vitae
  • Participate in a Skype interview and/or in-person interview with you prospective advisor, if selected for preliminary review

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Thales is Launching Project Arduino at UF on 10/3

 Hi EE Students;
Any students who may have an interest in learning more about Project Arduino and Thales
They will be in NEB Atrium on 10/3 from 10 – 1:30 and IEEE is hosting an information session that evening in 202 NEB.
Are You Ready for a Global Challenge? Thales Project Arduino is coming to The University of Florida– win a trip to a Thales Research Center anywhere Globally and a Fitbit Alta HR!
If coding and technology is your passion, then we’ve got something for you – Project Arduino by Thales!
Here’s how it works:
  • It starts off with an info-session for you to learn more about Thales and Project Arduino at your university. (see dates below)
  • If you are up for the challenge Register your interest at www.thalesarduino.com.
  • We will then select 24 students to participate in a workshop at your university where our Thales Engineers will teach you about the Arduino platform and its capabilities.
  • You and your team will have 2 weeks to create a Thales inspired project using Arduino.
What’s in it for you?
  • Not only will you be competing against students from your own university, you’ll compete against students from other universities across the US and the chance to compete against teams across the UK, France, Netherlands, China, Hong Kong and Singapore to be crowned the Global Arduino Champions and the chance to visit a Thales Research Center in one of the countries participating in Project Arduino.
  • You will pick up new skills you might not learn in the classroom, plus working in cross-functional teams and problem solving skills that will translate into your professional career.
Dates to know:
  • Thales will have a booth in the Harris Rotunda of the New Engineering Building (NEB) on October 3rd from 10 am-1:30 pm or you can attend our Info-Session on October 3rd from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in 202 NEB, hosted by IEEE, to learn more about the competition.
  • If you are selected to compete in the competition our Workshop date will take place October 18th, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm, location TBD.
To learn more about Thales Project Arduino check out our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxfoqJsxk5s  
To learn more about Thales: https://www.youtube.com/user/thethalesgroup

Stay connected to us on twitter @ThalesGroup using #thalesarduino!

FACULTY RESEARCH GRANTS Kevin Otto, BME, and Karim Oweiss, ECE, received $8.4 million from DARPA to study brain training using electric stimulation

Reddit Ask Me Anything with Neuroengineers Karim Oweiss & Kevin Otto

Published: May 11th, 2017
Category: Events


1:00 pm-3:00 pm


Science AMA Series: We’re Karim Oweiss & Kevin Otto, engineering professors at the University of Florida and PIs in DARPA’s Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program. We both enjoy helping people with neurological injuries and disorders. AUA!
A third of all human disease is related to the nervous system. That’s why President Obama launched the BRAIN Initiative. That’s why the two of us have devoted our lives to studying the brain. We are Karim Oweiss, professor of electrical and computer engineering, biomedical engineering, and neuroscience, and Kevin J. Otto, associate professor of biomedical engineering. We’re both faculty in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering and members of a campus-wide community at the University of Florida that is working together to understand the structure and function of the brain, and to unlock breakthrough therapies.
Last month we were each awarded $4.2 million from the Department of Defense to investigate how applying electrical stimulation to peripheral nerves can strengthen neuronal connections in the brain and accelerate learning. Our research projects – which are actually totally separate – are two of eight projects nationwide selected for the Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. To the best of our ability we will answer questions about these projects, as well as anything you might want to about emerging neurotechnologies and tools, neurological disorders and diseases, and the effects of aging on the brain.
Here’s a little more information about us:
Karim Oweiss (@koweiss):

My lab is focused on studying the basic mechanisms of sensorimotor integration and learning, and engineering clinically viable brain machine interface (BMI) systems to restore, augment or repair damaged neurological functions like hearing, sight and movement. We focus on mechanisms of neural integration and coordination in executive control areas of the brain such as the prefrontal and sensorimotor cortices. We’re working to understand how ensembles of neurons represent and integrate multiple sensory cues to guide motor action; how neural computations take place at the cellular and population levels with cell-type specificity; how neural ensemble activity can be decoded to actuate artificial devices; and how precise control of cell-type-specific events can perturb and control neural responses to evoke desired behavioral outcomes, as well as long-lasting plastic changes in neural circuits that mediate this behavior. An ultimate goal is to make a quantum leap in machine intelligence by developing bio-inspired smart algorithms for a variety of applications such as autonomous vehicles and Lifelong Learning Machines.
I moved my lab to the University of Florida in 2014 after 11 years as faculty at Michigan State University. I am a professor in UF’s Department of Electrical Engineering, with affiliate faculty appointments in the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering and the McKnight Brain Institute. I received my Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I’m a senior member of the IEEE, received the excellence in Neural Engineering award from NSF, and am editor of the book: Statistical Signal Processing for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (2010).
Kevin Otto (@OttoKev):

My research is focused on engineering neural interfaces for both research purposes as well as treatment options in neurological injuries or disease. In particular, multi-channel implantable microdevices in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. These interfaces are being investigated for many applications including sensory replacement, cognitive functional therapy, and neuromodulation for autonomic therapies.
In 2014, I joined the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering at UF as an associate professor after eight years as faculty at Purdue University. My post-doc fellowship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, was in biomedical engineering and in the department of otolaryngology with a focus on cochlear implants. I earned my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at Arizona State University. I am the co-chair for this year’s National Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Engineers' Week 2018 Assistant Director Applications

Hello EE Majors

Assistant Director applications for this years Engineers' Week are now OPEN! This is an amazing opportunity and will grant you great experience for your resume! You have the opportunity to work with companies like Lockheed Martin and Pepsi, as well as UF faculty and staff! 

This year, we are also planning a 5K and are looking for fitness enthusiasts to help us build this fantastic event!


Applications close on the 25th!


Katherine Weller

Engineers' Week 2017 Executive DirectorUniversity of Florida Benton Engineering Council
eweek.uf@gmail.com | kattweller3@gmail.com(904) 485-6677

Updates on Course Offerings

Hi EE Majors, Just reminder when certain courses will be offered as of Fall 2019.   This is not an exhaustive list; schedules can change...

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