Things to Know!!!!
1) Classes begin August 22, 2016
2) Drop/Add week is 8/22-26
3) Grad Check for Fall 2016
4) ECE Student Service Office location and hours
5) EGN4912 and EEL4905 paperwork due (If you have not submitted already)
6) EEL4948 and 4949 paperwork due (If you have not submitted already)
7) Graduating with Honors
8) EEL3834- Programing in ECE
9) Internship & Coop Policy change
I hope your summer was stress-free
and enjoyable. The fall semester begins
August 22nd and the Drop-Add week is August 22-26. Please have your schedule
finalized before August 26th.
· If you are planning to graduate Fall
2016, please read the email that was sent on 8/5/16 on the steps to completing
the graduation check by August 25, 2016.
· My office is located
in ECE Student Services Office (SSO) in Larsen Hall room 230 (LAR 230). The SSO
is open from 8 am to 5pm and closes for lunch from 12-1 every day. My walk-in advising hours are 10-12 pm and 1-4 pm. If there is change in the
schedule, the change will be posted on the EE Blog and/or sent to the EE
For the week of Drop/Add ONLY (8/22-26) my walk-in advising hours
will 9:30-12 and 1-4 ONLY!!!!
· For EEL4905, EGN4912, EEL4948 and
EEL4949 paperwork it must be submitted to my office by August
25, 2016 by noon.
Graduate with Honors
There are three levels of honors at
graduation and the requirements for them are as follows:
o To graduate with cum laude (i.e.,
with distinction) requires a 3.3 GPA on all courses taken at UF beginning the
semester after accumulating 60 credits.
o To graduate with magna cum laude (i.e., with great
distinction) requires a 3.5 GPA on all courses taken at UF beginning the
semester after accumulating 60 credits and an honors thesis (an approved research project or
creative work). See Blog post from August 5, 2016
o To graduate with summa cum laude (i,e., with the
highest distinction) requires a 3.8 GPA on all courses taken at UF beginning
the semester after accumulating 60 credits and an honors thesis (an approved research
project or creative work). See Blog post from August 5, 2016
EEL3834-Programing for ECE- UPDATE
o EEL3834 can only count for the
Computer Programing requirement as of Fall 2016. It cannot count as EE Technical Elective per ECE Department.
EEL4948 and EEL4949 Internship and
Co-Op policy
o With departmental approval, a student can receive practical industry work
experience under supervision. One credit hour per semester, for a total of 3
hours (Internship & Co-Op combined for total of 3 credits) by submitting
internship/co-op paperwork and completing the employer evaluations and student
work report each report must be satisfactory.