Students that are planning to graduate in the fall 2015 please complete your graduation check by August 27 via email ( or coming into the office. If you complete your graduation check by email, in subject line please enter "Fall 2015 graduation check". Please check your degree audit to verify that you have met all requirements. If your audit looks weird or have red X's on your audit excluding the Additional Degree Requirements area (which is your required department exit survey), please let me know when you complete your graduation check.
If you are planning to graduate with high or highest honor, please review the directions to achieve that status. If you are not working on a research by this time, it may be difficult to complete the project and thesis in one semester. If you have any questions, please email the adviser.
Please follow the following steps, you should follow in the fall semester:
- Complete your graduation check by August 27th.
-Apply for graduation by September 1st via On the left side menu bar click on Certificate/Degree Application under My Record and follow the directions. Please make sure your local and permanent addresses are correct for your diploma to mailed to the correct residency. The bookstore will start sending information to you about your regalia order
-In mid-October, an email will be sent to your Gatorlink email address to complete the EE Exit Survey. Please have the exit survey complete by November 20th by 5pm. This area "
- Pass EEL4924C-Design 2 with a C or higher.
-Pass all final exams
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