would like to invite you all out to the events we will be hosting this
week with companies from industry. Please bring your resumes as each of
these companies will be looking to hire for both full time and
internship positions.
Monday (9/29)
Dynetics Info Session - 4pm CSE E221
Monday (9/29)
Chevron Info Session - 7pm NPB 1002
Tuesday (9/30)
ExxonMobil Info Session - 4:30pm CSE E221
Tuesday (9/30)
Intel Info Session - 6pm CSE E222
Tuesday (9/30)
National Instruments Info Session - 7pm LAR 310
Tuesday (9/30)
GE Energy Info Session - 8pm CSE E119
Wednesday (10/1)
Southern Company Info Session - 7 NPB 1101
Thursday (10/2)
AirWatch by VMware Info Session - 6:30pm CSE E121
We look forward to seeing you all out there and as always each of the info sessions will have free food and beverages.
Best Regards,
Trent M. Fields
IEEE President '14-'15
University of Florida
B.S. Electrical Engineering '15