Monday, October 15, 2018

RE: Schedule for this week and updates

Hi EE Majors

If you have looked at the schedule of courses, and it looks slightly odd and weird.  You are correct.  The schedule of courses did not post correctly for the ECE courses undergrad and grad.  We are working on this matter with the Registrar Office.  Once we receive an update we will let you know.    Yes, we will be offering EEL3135, EEL3701C and EEL3000.  A few students had sent emails asking about those courses.

My schedule for this week is below
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are appointments only.
Wednesday- I will be at an outreach event- no hours
Thursday- walk-in advising hours 9:30-11:30 and 1:30-4


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

RE: College of Engineering 15/7 Drop Rule Deadline is 10/12/18

Dear EE Majors;
If you are using 15/7 drop rule (see policy below)  this semester, the deadline is October 12, 2018.  Your SIDA request must be submitted by 10/12/18. I must receive your verification email by that 10/12/2018.  The verification form is below.  I will not drop the course unless I have the verification form. 
If you have submitted an email verification. I am going through my emails and processing as I go.  You will receive an email from me when your course is dropped (if you have drops available).  If you do not have drops, I will provide you the directions for the next steps if the 15/7 Drop Rule does not apply to you.

If you have any questions about the 15/7 drop rule, please email me.   I will be out of the office tomorrow but checking emails.

15 hour 7 week Rule
Engineering students who begin a semester with an initial course load of 15 credits or more will be permitted an extra drop if the drop is completed by the end of the seventh week of class and if the total credits remaining are 12 or more. Critical tracking classes dropped under this rule still count as an attempt. You are still fee liable for dropped courses. Submit the drop request on ONE.UF and notify your Academic Advisor that you have submitted a request.


Updates on Course Offerings

Hi EE Majors, Just reminder when certain courses will be offered as of Fall 2019.   This is not an exhaustive list; schedules can change...